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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
the past and the next life

if there is such thing as reincarnation, what would be my past life? and better yet, what would be my next life?

the questions popped out after i browsed this site. ok, it's not cool to be a narcist cat as a representation of you after you dead. surely i hope i'd be born again as yet another human. as for the past life, uhm.. i'm not sure about this one. if i consistently experienced a deja vu everytime i see a lush prairie, would that means that i was a cow in my past life? ouch.

i once tried this trivial quiz. you know, the usual stuff. i type in my name and voila!, after i clicked the button below it, i suddenly was a narrow-minded lawyer in my past life. that's not neat. ok, it does sounds cool that i was a lawyer, but a narrow-minded one? so i hit the back button and tried it once again. this time i was still a lawyer, but now a beloved one. err.. aren't they opposites of each other? apparently the generator only construct the first phrase randomly, and they put it along with the second phrase. so i was still a lawyer, but i can be a dangerous one, a loyal one, or even a demented one. good thing i wasn't being obsessed with this topic and ended up downloading this software.

there was a movie, i forgot the title, i only remember that meryl streep was starring. anyway the story is about these two dead people who found themselves in a place somewhere between earth and heaven/hell, where they're about to testify their life in front of the angels so they can decide whether that particular person should go to heaven, hell, or reborn on earth. before the judgement day, they can see their past lives through one big screen. meryl streep was an 18th century home-mistress, while the co-star (i forgot his name) was an indigenous african person chased by a tiger. each of them had their reason of why they were then being reborn as another person.

i then wonder, what had that poor man (or cow, for that matter) done for they're reborn as me? was it because (s)he's narrow-minded? eating too much grass? maybe, afterall, i wasn't a lawyer or a cow. maybe i was elvis as he'd questioned. once famous, and soon to be infamous. i hope not. and now that i am me, what would be my next fate? it won't do any harm if i'll be a movie star. or even a bird. probably a wizard? will do, as long as i'm not a martian.

oh well.

# | posted by emil @ 1/27/2004 03:24:00 p.m. |