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Thursday, April 29, 2004
to my old man

i once despise him awfully, for he can't seem to release his anger on me, at any given time. i fear him nonetheless, for every bit of word voiced out of his mouth, those calm, cold and lucid sayings, is more than enough to set my heart in the guilt of a crime. he, whose great stories have amused me during my childhood, and still put me in awe today. he, whose wisdom has bring me back to reality every time i loosen my grip. he, whose credence has convey me this far, and still is most effective to induce my motivation. he, whose virtue never seems to decay, and has always train my lessons of life. he, who i look up upon, above everyone that i've known.

of his shadow, i am now living my life. of his philosophy, i put faith on what i believe in. of his trust, i build my experience. of his love, i stand here today, with the pride that i couldn't deny, a pride of being raised by one fine man. my true hero. my true idol.

happy birthday, yah.

# | posted by emil @ 4/29/2004 09:22:00 a.m. |