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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
i'm boring

no, no, that's not a self statement, thank you very much (although maybe i am, but that's off the topic). i'm referring to those who, instead of saying i'm bored, utter i'm boring (well, you probably are, nuthead). or those who say i'm very exciting (do you, really?), while they actually mean i'm very excited. or those that have no more credit to make a phone call using their cells and end up saying i'm running out of pulse (as donna has said, how come you're still standing here and breathing?). or those asking for a pen from a nearby friend and say can you throw your pen at me? (boy, they must hate themselves very much, eh? it's a good thing it's only a pen. imagine if they're asking for, let say, a thick hardcover dictionary..). or those who say can you help me search my t-shirt? when they are actually asking for someone to help them search for their t-shirt (although without a doubt i would gladly do it if a hot girl asks me that question...). or those who say i'm stupid when they mean i'm stupid. ok, maybe the last one's forgiven. :)

you got my point. grammar mistakes are often lead into false meanings. don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to be a smart-ass over here, by saying that my english is errorless, for it is not. don't believe me? be my guest, check my previous writings in this blog and you will see that i too make grammar mistakes here and there. like, comma splices, sentence structures, idioms, agreements, verbs and what's not. and as much as i hate to see people mistaken the words lose, loose and lost, just as what donna and lei have discussed before, i hate grammar rules too. but nonetheless, grammar is painfully essential, so whether we like it or not, we can't really do anything except to just stick with it, no? imo, it would still be acceptable if the mistakes wouldn't alter what the actual meaning that the speaker intend to say, just like what i've mentioned above. i'm boring. i'm running out of pulse. i need someone to throw a heavy book at me. sounds like a hopeless guy indeed.

so perhaps, we should stop using english altogether and using our beloved bahasa instead? maybe (fyi, the reason why i only use english in my posts is just because i need to practice. that's all, really). but wouldn't it be wiser to actually help the girl searching for her t-shirt instead of letting the query to be interpreted just as it is and put your hands all over her breasts? (a scenario most likely happens to pip) ;p

# | posted by emil @ 3/31/2004 01:24:00 a.m. |